Wisdom of the Seasons: Online Retreat Days
With Colette Lafia
Open Dates
“Seasons is a wise metaphor for the movement of life.” Parker Palmer
The cycle of seasons reminds us that we are on a journey. Inside the natural flow of the seasons, we find a rhythm, a sacred rhythm, that keeps a balance in our being and in creation.
“The notion that our lives are like the eternal cycle of the seasons does not deny the struggle or the joy, the loss or the gain, the darkness or the light, but encourages us to embrace it all—and find in all of it opportunities for growth,” writes Parker Palmer.
During this four-part series, we will let the wisdom of each season be our teacher. What can we learn from winter, spring, summer and fall? How can the seasons show us how to live in more harmony with the growth and changes in our own lives?
Throughout our time together, we will engage in contemplative practices such as guided meditation, Lectio Divina (sacred reading), Visio Divina (sacred seeing), and contemplative journal writing. We will create a community of companions, traveling through the seasons together.
Join us for a time of deepening and spiritual renewal as we come together to share in contemplative practices and reflect on the gifts each season has to offer us. Aligning ourselves with the sacred rhythm of nature helps us to cultivate a deeper sense of peace and the ability to navigate the changes in our lives with more grace.
- Sign up for each session individually or purchase all four sessions.
- All sessions will be live on Zoom. You will receive the Zoom link via email closer to the date of the retreat selected.
♦ Winter: A Time of Rest and Surrender
Tuesday, February 4
10a-11:30 am PST, 1p-2:30p EST
Winter is a time of rest and preparing for another season of life and growth. There is wisdom in this quiet time, an allowing of what needs to happen deep in the soil and deep in the soul. What in your life needs the spaciousness of quiet and rest so that deep growth can take place?
♦ Spring: A Time of Rain and Blossoming
Tuesday, April 22
10-11:30 am PST, 1p-2:30p
Spring begins often with rain and mud, leading to a season of blossoming and renewal. What is your journey of growth in the mud as you head to a time of blossoming? What is unfolding or coming alive?
♦ Summer: A Time to Explore and Discover
Tuesday, July 8
10a-11:30 am PST, 1p-2:30p
Summer is a time when we are invited to embrace the gift of more hours of sunlight. It’s a season that calls us to change our daily rhythms during the longer days. We may find ourselves spending more time outdoors or with others? What might you be invited to explore and discover?
♦ Fall: A Time of Change and Gratitude
Tuesday, October 7
10a-11:30 am PST, 1p-2:30p
Fall is a time when weather changes and leaves begin changing colors and falling. It is a season of reflection and harvest, of the good and the difficult, with a call into deeper and more inclusive gratitude. In what ways may this be a season of transition and appreciation?
About the Presenter

Colette Lafia
Colette Lafia is an award-winning author, spiritual director, and retreat leader. As a graduate of the Living School, through the Center for Action and Contemplation, Colette has a passion for the contemplative path. She has worked in the spiritual formation programs at Mercy Center Burlingame and is a certified Centering Prayer presenter. Her most recent […]
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